Friday, February 5, 2010

Racial Harmony.

My favorite advertisements usually come up during Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Usually, in yesteryear that was when the Indian races celebrate their Deepavali as well. The dates coincides coincidentally.
One of my all time favorite is this one from Petronas if i am not mistaken.
It is about three best friends who lives in a kampung. The three boys are always together, playing with the cows in the paddy field or they'd be swimming in the river.
So one day, the Malay boy has to be circumsized as it is required in the islam religion, so the two best friends, one who was a Chinese, the other an Indian boy waited patiently for their best friend.
And when the Malay boy was done with the ceremony, he walked to his friends who was waiting on a beca.
The chinese boy asked the Malay boy
:' Sakit tak?'
Meaning 'Does it hurt?'
And the malay boy said yes.
Then the indian boy asked 'Nak tengok boleh?'
'Meaning can i see it?'
The Malay boy shrieked and said No. And they all bursted out laughing.

The message of the advertisement was simple.
Than we can get along with anyone of any races, any religion, and any differences.
Than even if kids could get along with each other, why can the older ones get along with each other as well?

Finding harmony in Malaysia is not hard, but it is not easy as well.
I believe in starting young, and planting the respect for others in young ages is important.
I was raised to respect my neighbors, who are of a different race than i am.
I cannot imagine my country without these other, diversed races surrounding me.
Our diversity proves to other countries in the world that racial harmony can be achieved if you give it a chance.

Racial harmony can be achieved through schools, work place and social events.
I met my best friends through an exchange student program, we went through the highs and lows together. And we've been best friends for 2 years now.
Another thing i love about having such diversed set of friends is because we always have constructive arguments about almost everything.
To wear shoes in the house or no?
To eat herbal eggs and drink ginseng drinks or no?
To put tamarind on your face to kill all the germs or no?
The funny arguments go on and on.
And actually, we adapt the good ones in our lives.
Example drinking herbal tea, which is something i adapted from my Chinese friends is healthy for me.
And eating chapati is a good break fast diet!
I love my diversed culture, and i will not be the same person if i were to live without it.

'When you have nothing, look back and you'll see me'

Much love,

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