Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Animal Rights (Part II)

The fight for animal rights these days has gone tremendously extreme. This particular story especially touches my heart. Hayden Panetierre, a well known actress and fellow peaceful protestors surfed into sea to stop Japanese fishermen in Osaka, Japan from further slaughtering pilot whales (which are group of the dolphin family). Sadly, their efforts were reacted with violence by the fishermen. This can be seen from the video. (Sources : http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21587718/)
During her interview, the over whelmed actress shed tears and regret over this issue. I am totally with her on this. To have been in her situation, and see those poor voiceless animals to be butchered is not for the faint hearted. She and 5 other of the peaceful protestors braved themselves and d tried their best to help the animals. But sadly, nothing could be done. This venture was a risky one, as they could be charged for criminal trespassing, but they did it anyway, because they believe it was worth it. Hayden Panetierre is one of the thousands of people who are fighting for animal rights. Eveywhere in this world, every single hour of every single day, activists are trying to change the lives of the animals. They try different approaches, boycott of products that use animal skin or in any way harm the animal, and they try and enforce a law against people who harm animals. Many campaigns were made by different organizations and they tried to raise awareness. Sadly however, animal slaughtering still continues till today.

We all should believe that fighting for animal rights are worth it.

(Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1pqfzfIpJ4 )

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