Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I have always find words amazing. How one word can mean something bigger! Like the word ambiguous could mean vague, blurry, uncertain. Now imagine a phrase full of words, how big and meaningful that phrase could be!

When i was younger, my sister and i like to go to this antique bookstore, the books are incredible! (Again i have an astounding fascination for books!) And we would just sit there for hours looking for books that interests us. She would always go to the traveling session and i would go to the young adult session. I remember finding this book, which was way out of place, it was an inspirational book, stuck in between the other teen novels. I took that small book out, and the front cover reads.
'A Hero in Every Heart'

I was enticed in by the title! So i flipped through the pages and soon discovered that it was one of my favorites.

This small book, taught me a lot and helped me through my good and tough times.
This small book is about powerful messages, by everyday heroes.

In 1996, my father died, of what i myself am not certain. And my mom took care of all 6 of us, and we were all still in school. My dad left us a good sum of money, so we were able to keep afloat and live as we were about 5 years. Then, it all went downhill. But my mom fought her way up. And we are where we are now because of her.
This saying reminded me of her;

Courage is not defined by those who fought and did not fall,
But by those who fought, fell, and rose again.

When i want something real bad, i always think of this saying.

'Most look up and admire the stars,
A champion climbs a mountain and grab one'

And when i didn't do well on this very important examination, this saying kept me going.

' Success isn't forever, And failure isn't fatal'

This little book inspires me so much that going through the hard days are bearable.

Here's my favorite saying of all.

'I love the man that can smile in trouble,
that can gather strength from distress, and
grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink,
but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct,
will pursue his principles unto death'

Much love,

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