Thursday, January 28, 2010

College Life.

Hello readers. I hope all is well and everything is sunny side up for you.
Today is 28th of January. Which means, i have been in college for almost 3 weeks now.
It has certainly lived up to my expectations. I love every minute of it.
Yes, i do have my complaints. Who doesn't? It is just a part of life.
But all in all, my classes are great, the lecturers are educational, and the people are all friendly and nice. So far, so great.
I have always liked routine. It makes my life more easier to live, so manageable.
When high school was over, and i had nothing to do, i was about to go insane. Thank God my mother found me an everyday task which is to clean the house. Well that was exactly what i did every single day for 5 months. Every morning I'd clean the house, do some exercises, feed the cats. I guess i am just so custom-ed to routines. I like it better that way.
And now that i have college to attend to, i like my life even more better now!
I love learning new things everyday. And i have to be honest mass communication seems like the perfect course for me.
I like the subjects for this semester. And i especially love the fact that there's a class that i can just write and write and write.
I am so happy and at ease at the moment. I love my new friends. They make me laugh on the days i feel down.
I am acclimating to the life of being a college student.
I actually enjoy doing the assignments. It's fun, and i get to do what i love. Writing!
Plus the lecturers are really warm. They are really easy to communicate and share ideas with. The learning system is so different from high school. I like it.

I can never thank my mother enough for letting me go to Taylor's. It is one of Kuala Lumpur's expensive colleges. And for my single mother to be willing to pay for me is a great proof that my mother would go to any lengths for my education and future. And because of her, i will do my greatest in college. And make her sacrifices worth everything.

I love this new chapter of my life and the fact that my life is so routined now. I wake up every morning, get ready, kiss my mom goodbye, drive myself to college, meet my friends at the stall, get to class, have lunch, more class, drive myself home, rest, and after dinner I'll start doing my assignments.
So far so great, i am loving every minute of this.

Here's something for my fellow readers. Pictures that will speak to you how i am enjoying college.

This is us being abnormal.

Now, here we are being normal.

And there you go readers, a simple conclusion of my new life as a college student!
Hope you enjoyed it.

'We don't live forever, so live today like there's no tomorrow'

Much love,

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